Nov 6, 2010

Nov 1, 2010
The Kanyakumari !
Kumari! Kumari!
Lashing sea waves
lapping on to memory
Three seas confluence at
Kumari influences memory on
Kumari! Kumari!
Kanyakumari situated southern tip of
India top in thought tipoff to visit,
a hassle free travel to reach,Kumari.
Kumari! Kumari!
Kanyakumari's crown a jewel
it's high literacy rte, a momento
to memory!
Kumari! Kumari!
Thirparappu falls trip us
to fills with waterfall, a
wonderful scenic beaty to watch!
Kumari! Kumari!
Coconut groves surrounds at sea-
shore presents panoramic view, a scenic beauty
attracts lika women's hair moves around when
wind blows!
Let forget not 'Kumari' becaus
being an young lady - in Tamil.
(Kanyakumari, a district in Tamil Nadu, located at Southern
tip, formed on November 1,1956)